Tattoos were also found on Nubian and Egyptian mummies that were more than 4000 years old. The Greeks, Gauls, ancient Germans, ancient Britons, South Pacific tribesmen, South and North American Indian tribes and the Maoris in New Zealand all practiced the art of tattooing.

Frog Tattoo Meanings And Symbolism
Symbolism has always played a very important role through the ages, and it is certainly no less important in our lives today. Depending on our personal lifestyle and our beliefs, certain symbols will have a deeper meaning to us.
Frogs are usually a popular symbol of harmony, life and rebirth. It is also a positive symbol for a woman's pregnancy. Within ancient Egypt, it is said that a frog was a guide and protector towards the afterlife. Native American tribesmen believe that a frog will bring rain, while some Christians of today wear the symbol of a frog that means 'forever relying on God'.
The metamorphosis of the frog has haunted many tribal cultures. Olmec tribes from Central America always believed that a frog would live in a cycle of rebirth and always eat its own skin. Chinese legend believes that a frog is able to keep many secrets and spells. One of these secrets is of being a mortal.
In Asia, frogs are thought to be the guardians of the supernatural secrets of the universe. For many Red Indian tribes, the origin of the frog has been related to the elements of water and the moon and meaning fruitfulness, riches and success in every form. For shamans, a frog was seen as their teacher or mentor. Iban warriors had a frog tattoo on their throats to symbolize protection.

Frog Tattoo Design Styles And Ideas
There are many frog tattoos that one can choose from. The realistic styles of frog tattoos are quite popular. These include the tree frogs that are bright green with red eyes and orange feet that are either amongst their natural surroundings or are climbing up the wearer's leg or arm.
Mantella or dart frogs are also a popular type of frog that is incredibly poisonous. Their coloring is vivid and they will sometimes have an interesting pattern along their body. Cartoon-like depictions show a crouching frog tattoo with a sarcastic or cute expression on its face, with its tongue ready to lap at flies and sitting serenely on top of a water-lily.
Tribal frogs will normally be tattooed in sharp, long black strokes. Aztec frogs are more stylized, with round bodies and eyes, fork-like toes and winding limbs. Egyptian art could also be recreated by using the Egyptian goddess Hekt in the profile of a Panamanian frog.

The Final Word
Not all reptiles and insects will be considered creepy. A tree frog tattoo can be both colorful and beautiful and will certainly not make anyone's skin crawl. They will instead make a person's skin glow and radiate with the beautiful colors of the frog.
A tattoo is a very personal art form, and considered by many to be a very spiritual experience. It has been said that you take your tattoos with you when you pass on from this life. In a very real sense, a tattoo will be with you forever.